media monarchy episode147b
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- Publication date
- 2009-10-31
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- media monarchy, alternative news, politics, conspiracy, podcast, portland radio authority, revere radio network, boulder free radio, free radio olympia, cascadia public radio, zero point radio, berkeley liberation radio,
- Item Size
- 79.9M
media monarchy is originally broadcast live on the portland radio authority, zero point radio & revere radio network every friday at 10am pacific/11am mountain/1pm eastern... and a huge thanks to boulder free radio, cascadia public radio, free radio olympia & berkeley liberation radio for rebroadcasting the show... plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes thanks to itunes, &
media monarchy dot com
media monarchy: episode147b - october 31, 2009 | | | | | | | | |
sloan 'i'm not a kid anymore' (audio)
52 children rescued in nation-wide prostitution sting, 700 arrested
related video: running in the shadows: recession drives surge in youth runaways - new york times article set in oregon (audio)
spy story: con man or super spook
flashbacks: cop kills cia agent after car chase in downton houston &
carnaby’s widow sues, claims husband was member of cia
geopolitiks: inside bombs, payrolls & the daily show of force
video: largest iraq bombing in 2yrs may have been inside job (audio w/ dosh)
largest iraq bombing in 2yrs may have been inside jobtwin suicide car bombs in baghdad kill 136
car bomb kills 90 in pakistan as hillary visits
car bomb kills 100 in pakistani city of peshawar
pakistan bomb kills 92 as clinton visits
pakistan moves for maritime body to prevent terror attacks
ex-cia agent robert baer confirms US ties with jundullah
israel wants free warships from germany
amnesty intl says israel 'cuts palestinian water'
in israel, a key test of obama’s retooled missile shield
rothschild zionist bolton: israel has a right to pre-emptively strike iran
video: daily show under fire for covering israeli-palestinian conflict
israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade
mystery of the missing iranian scientist
afghan police open fire at demonstration
karzai's brother said to be on cia payroll: report
afghan opium kingpin on cia payroll
video: author on karzai’s brother: ‘the generals dropped the dime on the spooks’
new US bases on the black sea
czech pres klaus still holding out over lisbon treaty
new US/eu energy council to be set up early november
brown to 'buy off' germany & france to get president blair
blow to blair's hopes of eu job
US & eu ink extradition pact
church of scientology convicted of fraud in france
alleged intel adviser makes lurid claims about prince albert of monacco
japan shoots down missile in test off hawaii
china says two executed for tibet riots
video: soros says china will lead new world order
at the base of the pyramid: creating the market for poor consumers
10/29 binge & purge: unhappy meals
obama supports the food industrial complex & all we get is a lousy white house garden?
more malnutritious meals:
mcdonald's to quit iceland as big mac costs rise
food will never be so cheap again
junk food as 'addictive as drugs' & why
the great orange juice scam
video: how pure & natural is your orange juice? (audio w/ two lone swordsmen)
defcon 10/29: smart grid, nsa supercenters & surveillance
obama announces stimulus funding for the 'smart grid'
obama invests $3.4b in US electricity grid
feds' smart grid race leaves cybersecurity in the dust
flashback: corbett report: episode103 - the smart grid cometh
cyberattacks: espionage now, sabotage soon
nsa supercenters to store americans' private data permanently
government to build $1.5b cybersecurity data center
dhs to announce cyber merger
scan of internet uncovers 1000s of vulnerable embedded devices
guardian loses half a million resumes
video: isp removes fake US chamber press release from internet (audio w/ four tet)
chamber suing yes men for 'commercial identity theft'
nation's first open source election software released
sec & dhs need web backup, gao says
after net neutrality, will we need 'google neutrality'?
darpa looks to send the internet into orbit
video: baltic 'meteorite' a flaming hoax (audio w/ kreidler)
mars can wait: nasa should try landing on asteroids first
ares i-x stuck on the pad
ares i-x blasts off on 2nd attempt
pilots who missed airport cite computer distraction
video: new army robot walks like a human
update: internet turns 40 & throws itself a birthday party
mind your tweets: cia & eu building social network surveillance system
pulling the tv cord yet staying plugged in
morrissey 'satan rejected my soul' (audio)
(all bed music by scorn unless otherwise noted)
- Addeddate
- 2009-11-01 06:48:39
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-04-14T15:14:48Z
- Identifier
- MediaMonarchyEpisode147b
- Run time
- 1:05:21
- Source
- Taped by
- Year
- 2009
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